Week 6 of teaching practice

Week 6(
This week the school conducted a programme based on Chandrayan Day.The students were given classes using PowerPoint presentations.This week I completed the poem and prose lesson plans, so I gave the students a revision class based on the same and a simple test paper was put to check their level of comprehension of the lessons.After that the same week I began the lesson plan of ‘The Boy who Drew Cats' by Hasegawa Takejiro.Students listened to the story very interestingly.A lot of discourse activities and discussions were carried out based on the lesson.

This week the NCC and SPC cadets had parade and they were found wearing their uniform and it was such a pleasant sight to be seen.This week too all the trainees went to serve meals and breakfast for the students.The discipline of the students were maintained by other trainees.An egg too was given to the students who came to have their lunch.Also, during the first interval the students were served milk in the glasses they gave.The previous day when I stood in the class , the class teacher of VIII.E informed the students that they were to bring glasses the next day.


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